Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Live In Motion Success Story

One of our clients, Lynn wanted to share her success story about working with Live In Motion. Thanks Lynn!

Change, once initiated, reaches much further than we expect. Open yourself to one change, one possibility. The next thing you know, you’ll consider another. And another.

At a low point in my life, I decided it was time to make changes. From the start, I knew that a “diet” wouldn’t do it for me. Been there, tried that. Got the weight back and some. Lifestyle changes. New habits. Permanent, not fleeting like a fad diet. I didn’t want the boomerang effect where my changes would snap back and knock me further behind than I was.

When I first came to Lisa, I’d started to change my eating habits. It was a beginning. But I knew I needed exercise. Not being a fan of public gyms, it was a personal trainer for me. Little did I know the first day I walked in to her gym that she’d change much more than my exercise habits—that she’d have profound impacts in many areas of my life.

We started off with exercise. Through the course of our conversations, Lisa would make suggestions of other areas to change. At first, I couldn’t see that these areas affected what I was trying to achieve. “Change my sleeping pattern? Why would I do that? I’ve always slept 5 or 6 hours a night. Sure I work on the computer right before bedtime. Go to bed earlier than midnight? Always go to bed at the same time?” I grudgingly agreed to try her suggestions for getting me into a better circadian rhythm. At first I was unconvinced. And then things got busy and stressful at work. And to my amazement, I handled it better. The days I missed sleep, I bounced back more easily. Rather than haul myself through the day by means of multiple cups of coffee, I had the reserves to handle it. I didn’t end up awake till all hours with the stress. My body was now used to a regular sleep time. When I went to bed, I slept. My energy increased and I was able to put more into other areas.

Since then, Lisa and I have been picking areas to change. Each change by itself is a small thing. Each one gets added to my new habits and becomes a permanent part of my life. Working with Lisa is so much more than just going to a gym and exercising. It’s a life overhaul.

And the rewards? Small changes add up. Since I started my journey, I’ve lost almost 100 pounds. I’m in better physical shape than I’ve been since my teen years. I have more energy and a much more balanced approach to life.

My journey continues. More weight will come off. We’ll pick another area to modify. Then another. All these little changes, each easy to put in practice. But together they add up to many new doors, many possibilities. My next door? Lisa’s helping me train for a hiking vacation. Me—the indoor loving computer geek. Hiking outside for fun. Me—living life to its fullest.

Thanks Lisa for helping me get there!

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