Monday, January 2, 2012

Quick Post Holiday Nutrition/Lifestyle Ideas for Great Health

A few quick ideas to help normalize your system after the holidays...

1) Lemon water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach - will help to alkalize your system. Lemons are acidic but become alkaline once they reach the bloodstream. Most 'holiday' foods are acidic and it is important to keep our bodies alkaline for good health. Will also help flush toxins from the bowels.

2) Quality fibre - it's safe to say that the digestive system is treated like a red headed step child over the holidays. Flush out your digestive system to help clear toxins. Ground flax seed with ground chia works well - about 2 to 3 tablespoons in water. Psyllium works well for some but not everyone. Remember to take lots of water.

3) Set a sleep/wake pattern (if possible with your work schedule). Irregular sleep and wake patterns have been linked closely with weight gain and fluctuating energy levels/mood. Get your body back to a sleep/wake routine ASAP.

4) Consume consistent protein and healthy fats. Your blood sugar is most likely up, down and all around. Simple carbs will do that every time. Protein and good fats digest slowly and allow your blood sugar to start to stabilize. If you have gained weight around the mid-section, love handles or under the shoulder blades you need to start paying attention to your blood sugar.

5) Set a stress management strategy. Jan/Feb are a rough time for most people. Bad weather, holiday bills and the inevitable poor play of the Toronto Maple Leafs all cause stress which leads to a variety of other health issues. How are you going to combat stress this Winter? (Hint, hint - Boot Camp)

Happy New Year and All the Best for 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!