Friday, January 4, 2008

Let's Talk New Years Change

How many of you are ready for change? let's kick off this blog with a discussion on how you plan to change this 2008? I set my fitness goals to compete in two adventure races over the summer. Who's up for the challenge?

Stay tune for more great comments and articles up for discussion


Kathleen said...

Not for adventure racing but here are some goals for 2008 thus far:

- 5km race March (Annual Achilles St. Patrick's Day 5K Run)
- Markham Stouffville Hospital Legacy 5K Run in April
- Sporting Life 10km in May
and the ultimate would be able to do:
- The Toronto Marathon Half October 19, 2008

Oh, I forgot the biggie:
- To survive "Active Rest" between sets! You get used to them after awhile, but at first it is hard to get coordinate drinking water and doing cardio at the same time!

Unknown said...

I leave the adventure racing and running to others. Besides running is bad for the joints or so I have been told. ;-)

My targets include

- 2x body weight deadlift
- 1x body weight bench press
- 5 ladders of 5 rungs for C&P and Snatches with a 24kg bell.

karen said...

Well, i have committed myself - no - not to the whitby psyc but

1/2 Marathon - March 2/08
30km - March 29/08
full May 11/08

and if i qualify the Boston 09

alison said...

Ok, I'm thinking adventure racing sounds pretty hard core.
My goals:
Keep up with wieght training
Clean up my eating habits
Incorporate Yoga into my regular fitness regime
Run my second 1/2 marathon - Scotiabank Toronto in the fall

Lisa and Jason - Your Fitness Pro's said...

WOW you guy's are on fire this year! I am so impressed. It's great seeing all the goals rolling in. Please keep me posted